Qualifications and accreditations
- EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner, EMDR Association UK and member of EMDR Europe
- Chartership with British Psychological Society (Member of Division of Clinical Psychology)
- Registration with The Health and Care Professions Council
- Professional Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at The University of East London
- Postgraduate Psychology Conversion from London Metropolitan University
- BA Hons in French, Italian and Politics from Leicester University
Catty, J. Cowan, N. Poole, Z. Clement, S. Ellis, G. Geyer, C. Lissouba, P. Molodynski, A. White, S. Burns, T, (2013). Continuity of care for people with non-psychotic disorders. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 59, 18-27.
Catty, J. White, S. Clement, S. Cowan, N. Geyer, C. Harvey, K. Rees Jones, I. McLaren, S. Poole, Z. Rose, D. Wykes, T. Burns, T. (2013). Continuity of care for people with psychotic illness: It’s relationship to clinical and social functioning. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 59 (1), 5-17.
Burns, T. Catty, J. Harvey, K. White, S. Rees Jones, I. McLaren, S. Wykes, T. ECHO Group (including Z. Poole), (2013). Continuity of care for carers of people with severe mental illness: results of a longitudinal study. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 59 (7), 663-70.
Burns, T. Catty, J. White, S. Clement, S. Ellis, G. Rees Jones, I. Lissouba, P. McLaren, S. Rose, D. & Wykes, T. & ECHO group (including Z. Poole), (2009). Continuity of care in mental health: understanding and measuring a complex phenomenon. Journal of Psychological Medicine, 39, 313-323.
Sweetman, J. Watson, M. Norman, A. Bunstead (Poole), Z. Hopwood, P. Melia, J. Moss, S. Eeles, R. Dearnaley, D. & Moynihan, C. (2006). Feasibility and Familial PSA Screening: Psychosocial Issues and Screening Adherence. British Journal of Cancer Care, 94, 507-512.